I am pleased to report that the BR&CF Board of Directors unanimously adopted a resolution that creates a separate dues structure for specific crafts. This step was taken in recognition of the distinctly lower discipline environment that exists outside of the transportation departments at railroads in the U.S. and Canada. The membership has been divided into two categories with a dues structure that reflects the discipline environment of each. Category I comprises the traditional running crafts and those responsible for directing their movements, including yardmasters and train dispatchers/rail traffic controllers. Category II is comprised of non-transportation crafts from the mechanical, maintenance of way, and communication departments, as well as members employed outside the railroad industry. See page two for more details on CAT II.
As previously reported in the Summer 2024 issue of the Highball Newsletter, the BR&CF Board of Directors adopted a resolution at the April 2024 board meeting which requires the organization to return all dues income in excess of benefits paid to the membership in proportion to each member’s participation level. For the fiscal year ending September 30, 2024, the Fund will return $3,694,148 of excess dues income back to the membership. The officers and directors of the BR&CF are committed to aligning the dues structure with the discipline environment. If there is excess dues income at the end of fiscal year 2025, a refund will be issued in November 2025.